Hey, all. Sorry for the delay from the last entry. I’ve since submitted to Angry Robot in March as part of their open door month, so we’ll see where that goes. Hard at work on the Bloody Empress right now.
Also I’ve attended the Nebraska Writer’s Guild Spring Conference this weekend. It’s the best one I’ve attended in my three years with the group. First off, we were on the top floor this time around. Windows are a big step up from the lower level “dungeon” from the past years. Three very good presenters presented us with all kinds of good information. Mary Colgan with Chronicle Books” showed us a soup to nuts presentation of a manuscript’s journey from the slush pile to publication. “Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site was a very cute book that would be great for little boys in anyone’s life. Terry Burns had treasure troves of info with agents, including how to submit and pitch to them. I bought his book, “A Writer’s Survival Guide to Getting Published”. A very well done book. Alex Cava, best-selling author of the Maggie O’Dell series, then presented on the pitfalls of publishing and staying true to yourself as a writer. Her later workshop contained some really eye-opening commentary on publishing against the backdrop of e books and publisher deals.
A great and informative time. I was originally going to skip the Sunday portion, but I think I’ll show up for it after all. That’s all for now. Keep on keepin’ on.