So I haven’t posted in like a year. Part (mostly) laziness and entropy. Part my old website getting robo hacked. Luckily, my technically savvy cousin, Nick, helped me get things fixed and the website is now returning powered by Word Press rather than Joomla. So it’s gotten a bit of a face lift. I think it’s much easier on the eyes, even if it’s a cookie cutter Word Press template.
I’ll make a post on my Facebook group once it’s officially back. Until then, I’m a workin’ on Book 4: The Breakers. I’m around 120 pages deep with many more to go. I’m loving finally reuniting Ashe and Xax in this revised story line. Their bromance was one of my favorite parts of my earlier drafts, and it’s shaping up to be one of my favorites in this version.
More to come whenever it comes.