The world needs Beavis and Butthead now more than ever. I’m okay with the Jersey Shore existing now. They need something to watch after all.
The world needs Beavis and Butthead now more than ever. I’m okay with the Jersey Shore existing now. They need something to watch after all.
Fox Literary gave me a rejection, but with a positive vibe of continue submitting to other agencies. So I shall. Next up is Curtis Brown Ltd. So I’m a movin’ right on.
My wife and I saw an inventive block of short plays at a local play house, the Shelterbelt, entitled Shelter Skelter. I enjoyed many of them, especially one called, “Orange You Glad I Didn’t Say Murder”. Never again will I implicitly trust someone wearing purple while wearing orange. Strangulation will inevitably ensue. The colors are mortal enemies, don’tcha know?
Still waiting to hear from Fox Literary on the Query letter, so I’ll likely call it a loss this week and proceed on with other agencies. One must keep the flow going.
I’ve recently attended a writers retreat where I wrote a short story titled “Famish” with the log line: “A starving man in a glass prison struggles to escape and to recall why he was incarcerated. I submitted it to the annual Writers Digest short story contest. I’ll hope to hear something from them in a few months.
My wife and I attended the Zombie Walk in Benson this weekend. Very creative and demented people in that. Strangely, I saw more “Where’s Waldo?” zombies than pregnant zombies, who are usually to Zombie Walks what Stormtroopers are to Comicons. I also finally got around to watching the first two episodes of Walking Dead. Well-acted and gory stuff. Especially the fate of Rick Grimes’s commandeered horse. Blech! But still most compelling. Between that and Breaking Bad’s finale with Gus and Walt’s “Face Off”, AMC is getting to be my favorite place for dramas.
Back to the Bloody Empress now. I’m about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way through this draft. I’m liking the character interactions as I go. Also enjoying setting up the doomed city of Lan Porthica.
More to come in later entries.