Hey, all!
To all my US-based readers, Happy Fourth of July. To all my non-US-based readers, also happy fourth of July.
Capitalization word play aside, I have once again been out enjoying the sun on walks through the neighborhood and doing yard work. I absolutely love this time of the year. It stays light outside late and everything is green and alive. And while I don’t necessarily care for excessive heat, I like it far more than the cold of winter. I’m am very much a summer baby, though my baby days are far in the rear view.
One thing that’s been constant regardless of my age is my sweet tooth. I’m a big fan of ice cream cones and malts this time of year. Marshmallow and Raspberry are among my favorite malt flavors. Blue almond and rainbow sherbet are my go-to ice cream cone varieties. What kind of summer treats do you enjoy either now, or in six months if you’re in the southern hemisphere?
Players of the Game Works in Progress |
This month’s update for the Game War’s first draft clocks in at page 305 with about 86,000 words. Last month’s stats were page 253 with 71,700 words. Not too bad. Plus it’s a milestone to reach page 300 in about six months since I started in late December-ish. I’m likely around halfway there. Did I mention that I like to write epics? Work in Progress Out of Context Quote of the Month: Vermillion: “I don’t tell people what they want to hear, Arms Master.” |
Recommendation Corner |
Top Gun: Maverick This movie was a really pleasant surprise. I wasn’t really expecting much from it. It’s a really fun popcorn movie. It’s also a very compelling portrayal of characters dealing with grief. I’d argue that Goose’s absence is the second main character in the movie, especially with the call back to the Great Balls of Fire scene from the first one. The mostly practical jet action was awesome with the double Death Star-style trench run. Plus they played Danger Zone at the beginning again. As you might have surmised from my email address, I have an affinity for that word. Symphony of War This Steam game is something I’ve been wanting for years and years. An homage to one of my all-time faves: Ogre Battle, the old strategy role playing game from the Super Nintendo days. The movement of groups of small teams, capturing towns, and outmaneuvering your enemy is just the bee’s knees. I wish some of the sprites weren’t so “meeple” looking, but that’s a minor quibble. Totally fun stuff if you’re into that kind of thing. |

That’s all for this time. Stay smart. Stay safe. Jim |