Hi, everyone! I’m participating in the August Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Fair. Repenter and the Hidden Chapters books are part of the promo along with a bunch of other books. Over a hundred of them. All of them on the house. Check them out and enjoy! Check Out the August SFF Book Fair (August 2022) |
Players of the Game Works in Progress |
I’ll be sending out a bonus email later this month with the details on the release of my new bonus content book, Players of the Game: Origins. It will be available in ebook and paperback formats. More on that next time. In the meantime, the Game War’s first draft clocks in at 351 pages with about 99,200 words. Last month’s stats had me at page 305 with about 86,000 words. Decent, not great, but decent. However, I’ll like have 100k cracked in a day or two, which is another milestone. Work in Progress Out of Context Quote of the Month: Marcrinus: “Welcome to Crystal Keep. Don’t expect anyone else to thank you for helping.” |
Recommendation Corner |
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield I got this book in a white elephant gift exchange years ago at my writers’ group’s holiday party. Far and away the best such bonus gift I’ve ever received. A big concept of this book that has stuck with me is the concept of Resistance. It’s defined as anything that either hinders or completely stops you from continuing with your creative endeavor. It could be stuff in your life getting in the way, both good stuff and bad stuff. I definitely experienced plenty of both categories this month. Or it can just be the inner slog as you slowly chip away at your story or any other project. Yep. I had plenty of that this month too. The book’s big strategy is to realize that Resistance is always there and each writing/creative session is a new chance to either overcome Resistance or let it overcome you. Highly recommended for any creative person who’s looking for some inspiration. Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+ This one is more of a half recommendation. I loved Ewan McGregor’s return to the character. It starts with him in a very dark place and very emotionally broken. It had some fantastic Force and light saber battles, especially in the final episode. It was hindered by characters making a lot of nonsensical decisions because the plot demanded it. So many people did not die because the victor of a battle just walked away or let something like a fire make an artificial end to a conflict. I was neutral on the Leia subplot. But again, Obi-Wan is a great character, and James Earl Jones still has the vocal chops for a menacing Vader, so I still call it worth watching. |

That’s all for this time. Stay smart. Stay safe. Jim |