Corsis is the primary villain of the Players of the Game series. He covertly manipulates the events of Sufrinzon, Trojis, and many other realms all for his depraved entertainment.
His urbane demeanor hides a monstrous personality. He has more power than a pantheon of gods. He also takes on many forms. The Lizard is the first one that readers encounter in Repenter. There are many others.
Here’s a sample of his interaction with Ashe from Repenter:
“Harm?” He spoke the word with an absurd shrill of his voice. “Ashe, you couldn’t touch me even if you could mance the most potent fire in existence. I have no fear of you in that regard.”
Ashe stepped back once more. “Then we’re fine.”
“Oh, no. We’re not.” The archmancer drummed his fingers on his leg. “You see, I do fear you.”
Ashe cocked an eyebrow. “You can’t be serious.”
“Deadly.” Corsis rushed to him. His toothy jaws came within inches of Ashe’s face. The feint smell of fruit from the chilled beverage filled the Lizard’s breath. “I fear your mind.”