
Got the Hidden Chapters finished up.  I’ll have Sally Walker read one of them at this year’s Nebraska Writers Workshop Fall Fiction Fest at the Ralston Library on the afternoon of Sunday, Sept 22.  I’ll regrettably not be able to attend.  For short it’s the NWW FFF, pronounced Nuh-Wuh-Wuh-Fffff by me only, but I’m trying to start an audio meme as of right…. now!  Nuh-Wuh-Wuh-Fffff!  Say it proud.  Say it loud!  Say it after you’ve stubbed your toe and Ow’d.

Now, you know why I write grim science fantasy instead of comedy.

In the meantime, sales on Repenter are… steady.  Oh, marketing, how I loathe you.  Luckily, I’m in this for fun because I gots ta do it.  As I recently told an old buddy, what else am I going to do, make a smart watch?

And.  AND.  I finally found some good new, pensive hard rock to write to, Black Veil Brides.  Right in my wheelhouse.

Crazy behind on the comics pile, looking forward to seeing how X-Factor wraps up.

In the words of Yoda: For now, all that is.


PS- Nuh-Wuh-Wuh-Fffff!

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