Players of the Game Character Spotlight: Benefactor

Four thousand years ago, Bennet Burnhelt saved the world.  Smiting down the King of the Weird Ones.  Gaining a vastly extended lifespan.  Honing his considerable ethereal might.  Crafting a world order with the other victors.  The queen granted him his title, Benefactor, as a jest.  But the name stuck.

He seldom speaks about any part of his early life.

Because Corsis helped him save Trojis.  And that had a cost.

Now his world and many others suffer as part of the Game, though few know it.  Benefactor didn’t see the danger his old ally posed.  He didn’t realize Corsis had amassed the conquered Weird Ones’ vast powers until it was far too late.

Benefactor now strives to end Corsis’s reign in the background as he publicly leads New Grelland.  A role that burdens him.

But he isn’t alone in standing against the Game.  His son, Vick.  His grandsons, Ed and Matt.  And even that group of Brigands in Sufrinzon.  He will guide them as best he can.

Benefactor Plays the Game because he must.  And he intends to win.

Find out more about Benefactor’s plans starting in The New Players.

Art by Moonarc.
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