Players of the Game Character Spotlight: Meve Harlander

Meve Harlander has seen a thing or two in his long career. 

As a Javelin pilot of the Holy Alliance, he was one of the few who survived the War of No Hope.  He and Harry Mang met during its final bimonths and became good friends.  He later got promoted to shipmaster of an airship and quickly ran afoul of his superiors when he questioned unwise or unethical orders.

This got him assigned to the frontier city of Findenton, with the other problematic people.  Like Shelocke.  Like Harry.

Meve’s acerbic and earnest conduct makes him one of the people Harry trusts most to tell him when something isn’t right.

Something like the horrors skulking about Findenton’s streets at night.

Find out how Meve and Harry deal with the horrors in The New Players.

Art by Moonarc.
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