The Underguild: A secretive organization of mancers who will do anything to further their knowledgebase. Many of their members care nothing for the damage inflicted by their studies.
The Dirge: An elite gang of assassins with a near perfect success rate. No one is beyond their reach. Gods, Arch Demons, and Dragons are included among their millions of victims.
Dread Corps: An army without a nation, arguably the most lethal military force in all the realms. Dread Corpsmen wage war without apparent goals other than to terrorize their adversaries. The organization serves at the pleasure of a hidden leader.
The Roaq Coalition: The consolidated armed forces of Roaq dedicated to preserving the baronies’ independence. The coalition formed in response to Palle’s campaign to subjugate all of Sufrinzon under its rule.
Brigand Company: A mercenary unit of 200 soldiers commanded by the mighty Gnorok. They align themselves with the Roaq Coalition in opposition of the Palle. Many powerful members walk their ranks such as Tin Skin, Arwith, ViRauni and Repenter.
New Grelland: An island nation in the center of the Fire Well on Trojis. The Grells stand against the Holy Alliance in their home realm, and the continued incursions by nether realms within the Fire Well. New Grelland thrives in this adversity. Its martial might is legend throughout the Realms.
The Holy Alliance: A vast empire lead by Dragons, Titans, and Demons. It takes up the entire eastern half of the Jeean super continent. The Holy Alliance rose soon after the Eruption on Trojis sixteen centuries ago.
The Kri Enclave: The tattered remnants of Celsis Kri’s once great army. During the Eruption, they aligned with the Holy Alliance, but they rebelled and were decimated. They hid in the hinterlands outside the Stretch, plotting to reclaim their lost glory.